Sage is pleased to announce a strong performance across its
journals portfolio in the recently released 2013 Journal Citation Reports®
(Thomson Reuters, 2014) with an increase of indexed titles on
prior year to 470 across both the Social Science (SSCI) and Science (SCI)
Citation Indexes. More than 60% of SAGE titles are now ranked within the top
two quartiles of their JCR subject categories and 108 titles have achieved a
top-10 category rank. Six SAGE titles were awarded their first Impact Factor. To
see the new impact factors for all SAGE journals, please click here.
are just some of the highlights in:
Impact Factor
Family Business Review #4
(4.243) (Thomson Reuters called FBR a "Rising Star" in
Journal of
Management #3 (8.027)
Administrative Science Quarterly #4 (7.057) (RU subscription available via SAGE Jan 1999 - Dec
2013; via Ebscohost 1956 to present)
Impact Factor
Journal of Management #3 (6.862)
5-Year Impact Factor
Journal of Management #3 (8.027)
Administrative Science Quarterly #7 (7.057)
Organizational Research Methods #11 (5.713)